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Thu, 05/27/2010 - 10:51
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Students join upcoming celebration of World Environmental Day

VIENTIANE; 26 MAY(KPL) -The Water Resource and Environment Administration organised a workshop under the theme “biodiversity management policy and strategy”, as well as the biodiversity conservation to celebrate the upcoming World Environmental Day on 5 June.
The objective of the workshop was to raise awareness on biodiversity conservation among students of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, National University of Laos.
The workshop held last week in Vientiane Capital, drawing the attendance of Deputy Director of the Water Resource and Environment Administration, Mr. Sisavath Vithasay, representatives of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Forestry Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and students from the National University of Laos.
Mr. Sisavath said that the Lao Government had always paid attention to the implementation of socio-economic development along with the protection of sustainable environment and sustainable exploration of natural resources.
Biodiversity is a basic factor for the livelihood and income source for rural communities in Laos.
Despite being a least developed country, Laos is a cell of the world community that actively contributes to solving climate change and biodiversity protection.
The Lao Government has thus ratified many treaties on biodiversity protection since 1996, including the Kyoto treaty on greenhouse gas.