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Tue, 07/15/2008 - 15:50
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Japan describes Takeshima as its territory in teaching guideline

TOKYO, July 15 Kyodo - Japan decided Monday to refer to two uninhabited islets disputed with South Korea in the Sea of Japan in a teaching guideline for junior high schools, making it the first time such an educational document has mentioned the territory.

The education ministry said the nonbinding guideline recommends that teachers ''deepen (students') understanding of Japan's territory and domain, as they do over the Northern Territories, while mentioning that there are differing opinions with South Korea (over the islets).''The pair of South Korean-controlled rocky islets in the Sea of Japan, which are called Takeshima in Japan and Dokdo in South Korea and include numerous reefs covering a total area of 210,000 square meters, have long been a source of dispute between the two countries.

The Japanese government once considered stating outright in the guideline that ''Takeshima is an inherent part of the territory of Japan,'' but decided to soften the wording in the guideline apparently in consideration of South Korea's position.

But South Korea immediately protested the move, with President Lee Myung Bak instructing his government to deal ''sternly and strictly'' with Japan's decision and the Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry deciding to temporarily recall Ambassador to Japan Kwon Chul Hyun.

Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda told reporters in Tokyo, ''I believe it is a necessary thing for steadily think about our country's history and the issue involving that territory.'' Concerning the strong protests from South Korea, the Japanese leader emphasized the importance for the two countries to ''overcome (the different) stances and deepen mutual understanding.''Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said he expects South Korea to respond calmly on the matter.

''We'd like to avoid a situation in which the Japan-South Korea relationship is greatly affected by an individual issue like this,'' he told a news conference.

''We hope that South Korea responds calmly.''The top Japanese government spokesman said the Takeshima issue is equivalent to that of the Northern Territories -- the group of Russian-administered islands off Hokkaido -- also claimed by Japan.

''Needless to say, South Korea is a very important neighbor for Japan,'' Machimura said, adding that a deterioration in the two countries' ties could have an adverse effect on the six-party talks aimed at denuclearizing North Korea as well as bilateral matters between Japan and North Korea, such as the abduction issue.

The document in question will supplement Japan's new educational guideline for social studies at junior high schools from the 2012 school year starting in April that year, according to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Such documents, to be compiled for each subject in junior high schools, are nonbinding and serve as guidelines for teachers and textbook publishers.