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Fri, 06/25/2010 - 10:12
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Prime Minister back from Myanmar

VIENTIANE, 24 JUNE (KPL) - Mr. Bouasone Bouphavanh, Prime Minister of the Lao PDR, and his delegation arrived home on June 23 ending an official visit to the Union of Myanmar between June 21 and 23.
The visit was a success as both sides cordially discussed matters related to constant development of the bilateral relations, maintaining and promoting good neighbourly ties, regular exchange of visits between high-ranking officials of the two countries, continued implementation of the agreements of Myanmar-Lao joint commission meeting, ensuring peace and stability in border areas, betterment of road transport in the region and between the two countries and latest developments of the two countries.
Preparations for the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Laos and Myanmar were also on the agenda. The two countries established diplomatic ties on July 12, 1955.
The ministries of foreign affairs of the two countries were assigned to hold talks to finalise the details of the celebration and other issues relating to the bilateral relations and cooperation.
Following the bilateral meeting, the Lao delegation paid a courtesy visit to Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, Senior General Than Shwe.
Senior General Than Shwe said he highly valued the relations between the two nations and believed the Lao Premier’s visit would bring the relationship and cooperation to new heights.
During the visit, Lao Minister of Public Works and Transport Sommath Pholsena met with Myanmar’s Minister for Construction U Khin Maung Myint where the two sides discussed matters related to roads linking to Myanmar-Laos Friendship Bridge, dam construction by damming up the Mekong River and generation of hydropower, air transportation service for promotion of smokeless industries of the two nations.
An official welcome home ceremony was held at the Prime Minister’s Office for PM Bouasone Bouphavanh and his delegation in presence of Deputy Prime Ministers, ministers and a number of senior officials concerned.