ID :
Mon, 07/21/2008 - 12:26
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Agro Bank branch in Saravane plans to loan 13 billion kip to farmers

(KPL) Agricultural Promotion Bank branch in Saravane province set a plan to release loan about 13 billion kip to agriculture and industrial production in the province.

In the first six months of this year, the Agricultural Promotion Bank branch in Saravane province released 5,781 million kip of credit loans to monsoon rice production practice in four districts and cash crops plantation in two districts, said Mr Boun Anousack, Head of Credit Loan Unit of Agriculture Promotion Bank of Saravane province.

He added the credit loan sector the releasing of loan this year saw an increase compared to the same period.

The last six months of this year the bank will loan about seven billion kip to targetareasof dry season rice production and purchase of output agriculture production.