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Thu, 07/22/2010 - 10:45
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Wearing helmet campaign for students to take into effect soon

VIENTIANE 21 JULY (KPL) - A wearing helmet measure for students will be taken into effect in the upcoming academic year to reduce fatal road accident in Vientiane Capital.
The Head of Vientiane Traffic Police Service, Mr Salongsay Seng-Athit disclosed the measure last week that this is a campaign can help Vientiane to reduce the number of road accidents seem to be upwards among students.
The campaign is a joint cooperation between Vientiane Traffic Police Service and Ministry of Education and Vientiane Public Works and Transport Service.
He said that the measure and other traffic regulations will then be disseminated in all schools and university in Vientiane Capital.
“The measure will be effect on 1 September,” added Mr Salongsay. “After completing the disseminated campaign, the number of motorists who ignored wearing helmet is expected to decline by 95 percent,” he said.
The number of motorists who wear the helmet will obviously increase because the police will inspect strictly road users particularly motorists.
Students who have broken the traffic rule would be fined and their names would be then sent to education institutes to punish, continued said Mr Salongsay.
Mr Salongsay also informed that over the past nine months from September 2009 to June 2010, 175 people were reported dead out of a total case of 1,437 road accidents occurred in Vientiane Capital.
He stated further that there were 1,253 minor injures, 404 considerable injures and 223 critical injures in accidents last nine months.
More than 1,400 vehicles have been reported relating to accidents in Vientiane Capital, 1,222 vehicles of which were minor damage and 26 vehicles were badly damage.
The students are classified a large group of accidents, which caused by traffic rule breaking and driving without helmet.