ID :
Thu, 08/14/2008 - 10:13
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Dignitaries tour Europe to promote Buddhism

Hanoi (VNA) - A delegation from the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) Central Committee will make a trip to France , the Czech Republic , Poland , Hungry, Ukraine and Russia to preach Buddhism from August 20 through September 10.

Vice President and General Secretary of the VBS Central Committee's Executive Council, the Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon said, "the European tour is aimed at solidifying overseas Vietnamese's belief on Dharma and encourage them to keep national culture identity and make contributions tothe homeland".

The Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon also described the trip as a chance for the VBS to expand its relationship with international Buddhistorganisations.

The delegation will be headed by the Most Venerable Thich Chon Thien, Vice Standing President of the VBS's Executive Council and Head of the VBS's Monkand Nun Education Board.

They will hold memorial services and praying-for-peace services at destinations of their trip on the occasion of the Buddhist Vu Lan ceremony, which is held annually on the 15 th of the seventh month of the lunar calendar for people to express their gratefulness and appreciation to theirparents.

Their schedule includes a visit to the Truc Lam pagoda in Paris , a service to place the statue of the late President Ho Chi Minh in the Vietnamese Embassy in the Czech Republic and the inauguration of the Vinh NghiemBuddhist temple in Praha.

The VBS dignitaries will work with the Buddhist Centre and the Thien Viet Pagoda in Poland and the Buddhist College in Hungary and meet withBuddhist followers in Kiev and Kharkov , Ukraine .

The dignitaries will hand over certificates of VBS membership to Buddhist associations in Europe , give lectures and organise a ceremony to officially appoint the head of the Truc Lam pagoda in Kharkov.-