ID :
Wed, 02/02/2011 - 13:22
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Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to Medical Institute of KPA

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, gave field guidance to the Jongsong Combined Medical Institute of the Korean People's Army newly constructed by soldier builders.
He made the rounds of ultra-modern research rooms, various laboratories and production processes furnished with modern pharmaceutical equipment. He was greatly satisfied to learn that the appearance of the institute which can positively contribute to the promotion of the people's health led to laying a solid foundation of the Juche-based pharmaceutical industry.
Seeing varieties of efficacious medicines produced by the institute, he was very pleased that they are very high in their quality and it successfully produced reserve medicines, in particular, so that people may use them under any circumstances.
Calling on its scientists, technicians and workers to actively develop medicines suited to the constitution of Koreans and introduce them to production, he underlined the need to massively produce varieties of medicines, upgrade their quality and decisively improve their packing.
He called on all the officials, workers and technicians in the pharmaceutical field to produce and supply more medicines to treatment and prevention organs so as to enable the people to lead a happy and long life in a thriving country.