ID :
Sat, 02/19/2011 - 13:23
Auther :

S. Korea Accused of Blocking Improved North-South Relations

Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities are standing in the way of improving the north-south relations while denying dialogue. This is quite contrary to the trend of the times and the desire of all the Koreans, as it reveals their policy of confrontation with the DPRK.
Rodong Sinmun, a major newspaper of the DPRK, says this in a bylined article Saturday.
Their confrontation policy is very dangerous as it harasses peace and increases the danger of war on the Korean Peninsula. This anti-reunification policy also blocks north-south dialogue and negotiations and obstructs their improved relations, the article notes, and goes on:
The confrontation policy rendered the situation on the peninsula so tense that a war may break out any moment. It also stoked distrust and misunderstanding between fellow countrymen, making it impossible for them to trust and get reconciled. It is also a main factor of chilling the atmosphere of dialogue and negotiations.
They had better make an immediate switchover in their policy, paying heed to the voices of all the Koreans for peace and reunification of the peninsula.