ID :
Mon, 02/21/2011 - 13:52
Auther :

Improving North-South Relations Is Consistent Stand of DPRK--Rodong Sinmun

Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- The DPRK is consistent in its stand to turn the north-south relations of distrust and confrontation into those of trust and reconciliation for national unity and reunification, says Rodong Sinmun Monday in a bylined article.
In order to improve the relations, it is prerequisite for the south Korean authorities to take the stand of attaching importance to the nation, away from the concept of escalating the deep-rooted confrontation with fellow countrymen, the article says, adding:
To terminate the political and military confrontation between the north and the south of Korea is essential for improving the relations.
Important here is to remove all political barriers lying in the way of improving them.
The "National Security Law" which brings the south Koreans pain and all other Koreans harms should be repealed at an early date and people from all walks of life be ensured political freedom and democratic rights including the right to discuss issues for the country's reunification and freedom of activities.
To this end, not only authorities but people from all walks of life in the north, the south and abroad should make active visits, contacts and cooperation.