ID :
Thu, 08/21/2008 - 09:40
Auther :

PM asks prompt information on essential goods, market

ministries to make public all governmental, prime ministerial andministerial instructions on prices, market, supply and demand of essential commodities to avoid the making up of rumors in the country.

According to the Government Office's Aug. 19 announcement, PM Dung named the ministries of finance, industry and trade, agriculture and ruraldevelopment, construction and health in his request.

He asked those ministries to coordinate closely with the Ministry of Information and Communication and localities to work out a coordinating mechanism to promptly handle abnormal move of prices, market, supply anddemand of essential goods.

The Ministry of Information and Communication is also supposed to convey information to the people, thus helping then be aware of the developments ofthe market.

News agencies and newspapers are required to promptly publish official information provided by responsible agencies in the wake of suddenfluctuations in the market and rumors on prices.

Meanwhile, provincial and municipal people's committees are ordered to collaborate with pertaining ministries and sectors to timely tackle abnormalchanges in market, prices, demand and supply of essential commodities.

Those committees are also asked to instruct concerned departments to investigate into the source of rumors and severely punish those who invent rumors.-Enditem