ID :
Wed, 03/23/2011 - 12:18
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Rodong Sinmun Terms U.S. New "National Military Strategy" Dangerous

Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- The United States recently made public its new "national military strategy". In the strategy, it claimed its military target is to counter "violent radicalism," and "deter and beat back" somebody's "aggression" in a bid to consolidate the "international and regional security".
Rodong Sinmun on March 23 observes in a bylined article in this regard:
This indicates that the U.S. is still pursuing its wild ambition for dominating the world and seeking to realize it through high-handed military actions.
The said strategy is nothing but a doctrine of aggression to justify the U.S. interference in the internal affairs of other countries and its military aggression against them and disturb regional security and peace and spark a new arms race in league with its allied forces under the pretext of tightening the military alliance.
The "strengthening of international and regional security" much touted by the U.S. precisely means interference in the internal affairs of other countries and military aggression against them. In the past the U.S. unhesitatingly meddled in the internal affairs of other countries incurring its displeasure under the pretext of "human rights" and "democracy" and used force of arms to put them under their control in the end.
All these facts eloquently prove that the said strategy is a dangerous doctrine of aggression aiming to realize its ambition for dominating the world and the U.S. is an arch criminal disturbing the peace and security of the world and the root cause of straining the regional situation.