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Tue, 09/02/2008 - 11:06
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PM Bouasone on a goodwill visit to DPRK

(KPL) Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh and his delegation arrived in Pyongyang on 30August to pay an official goodwill visit to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at the invitation of Premier Kim Yong Il of the DPR of Korea.
He was accompanied by Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office and Director of the Secretariat of the Government Cheuang Sombounkhanh, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Sitaheng Rasphone, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Phongsavath Boupha, Deputy-Minister of Planning and Investment Bounthavy Sisouphanthong, Vice-Minister of Industry and Commerce Khemmany Pholsena and other suite members.
They were greeted at the airport by Premier Kim Yong Il, Minister of Foreign Trade Ri Ryong Nam, Minister of Agriculture Ri Kyong Sik, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Yong Il, Deputy Chief Secretary of the Cabinet Ri Yong Sok and Lao Ambassador to the DPRK
Chaleune Warinthrasak.
On the same day, the two delegations led by two premiers Bouasone Bouphavanh and Kim Yong Il held a talk that both sides exchanged views on boosting the bilateral friendly and cooperative relations and matters of mutual concern.
As a result, the two governments have agreed to establish a joint committee between the Lao PDR and the DPRK.
The agreement on setting up a joint committee for cooperation in economy, trade, science and technology was signed between the governments of the Lao PDR and the DPRK at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Saturday in the presence of two premiers and both sides’ delegations.
The agreement was inked by Ri Myong San, vice-minister of Foreign Trade, and Khemmany Pholsena.
The DPRK government arranged a banquet in honour of Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh and his delegation, on an official goodwill visit to the DPRK at the Mansudae Assembly Hall.
Kim Yong Il in his speech made at the banquet referred to the fact that Lao people have made vigorous endeavours to realise the industrialisation and modernisation of the country, adhering to the socialist ideology under the correct leadership of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.
He hoped that the fraternal Lao people would register fresh and greater successes in the work to steadily consolidate the people’s democratic system suited to the specific conditions of their country and implement the decision of the 8th Congress of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party by displaying the spirit of patriotism, sovereignty and independence, self-reliance and fortitude.
It is the consistent stand of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the government of the DPRK to set store by the traditional relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries and steadily boost them.
Bouasone Bouphavanh said in his reply that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries laid out by President Kaysone Phomvihane and President Kim Il Sung were long-standing. He noted that the party, government and people of Laos had consistently supported the party, government and people of the DPRK in the struggle for national defence and accomplishment of the cause of socialism.
He said that Laos was pleased with the fact that the Korean people have registered great successes in the struggle to build a great prosperous powerful nation and achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.
This is according to a report of Korean Central News Agency report on 30 August.
On 31 August, PM Bouasone and his entourage visited and laid a wreath at the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on Mt. Taesong.
The participants observed a moment’s silence in memory of the revolutionary martyrs who laid down their lives for the sacred cause of the liberation of the country, socialist construction and national reunification under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung and Secretary General Kim Jong Il.