ID :
Tue, 04/26/2011 - 15:55
Auther :

Iran Dismisses US Allegations about Interference in Syria as "Baseless"

TEHRAN ,April 26 (FNA)- Tehran categorically denied the recent allegations raised by US President Barack Obama about Iran's alleged meddling in Syrian affairs, describing them as "unfounded and baseless" accusations.
On Friday, the US president claimed that the Syrian government had demanded Iran to help Damascus suppress protests in the Arab country.

"Instead of listening to their own people, (Syrian) President Bashar Assad is blaming outsiders while seeking Iranian assistance in repressing Syria's citizens through the same brutal tactics that have been used by his Iranian allies," Obama said.

In reply, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast refuted the US allegations, and said such claims are part of Washington's psychological war and media propaganda against Tehran.

He added that the US is trying to project the blames on Iran and divert the public opinion in the region and the world from the crimes carried out by the United States' puppet regimes in the region.

Mehman-Parast further called on the US authorities to be more careful about their claims, adding that people in the region will not be fooled by such media games.

The main US ally in the region, Saudi Arabia, has sent troops to Bahrain and is suppressing the defenseless people in the tiny Persian Gulf island, and Washington has backed up the Saudi military invasion and occupation of Bahrain.

People in Bahrain have been protesting since February 14, demanding an end to the rule of the Al Khalifa dynasty.

Demonstrators maintain that they will hold their ground until their demands for freedom, constitutional reform and a proportional voice in the government are met.

In March, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait deployed their troops in Bahrain to reinforce the brutal armed clampdown against mass protests.

Scores of Bahraini protesters have been killed and many others gone missing in the harsh crackdown since the beginning of the revolution in the Middle- Eastern country.