ID :
Thu, 09/04/2008 - 13:25
Auther :

POL: Pakistan Premier strongly condemns attack by ISAF, Coalition forces

Islamabad, Sept 3 PPI: Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani strongly condemned attack by Coalition and International
Security Assistance Forces ISAF in South Waziristan Agency of the country on Wednesday killing a number of innocent people, including women and children.

Gilani vowed no foreign forces could be allowed to launch an attack on Pakistan's

According to latest reports Afghanistan based coalition gunship helicopters heavily
shelled Angoor Adda area of South Waziristan
Agency today killing at least twenty innocent people.

Women and children were also included in those martyred during deadly assault
carried out by three allied forces gunship choppers
in a pre-dawn attack.

Prime Minister emphatically stated that Pakistan was ``a sovereign country fully
capable of countering extremists and
terrorist within its borders on its own.''