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Fri, 09/12/2008 - 00:29
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PM to meet Bush on September 25; N-deal may be inked

Sridhar Krishnaswami

Washington, Sep 11 (PTI) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
will meet U.S. President George W Bush on September 25 here
when the two may sign the 123 Agreement if it is approved by
the American Congress by then.

The Prime Minister, who will go to the United Nations for
attending the General Assembly, will travel here for the

Bush "looks forward" to welcoming Singh on September 25
to "strengthen the strategic partnership" and to build on the
progress in other areas of cooperation such as agriculture,
education, trade and defence, the White House said Thursday.

"The President is pleased to approve the US-India
Agreement for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation (also known as the
123 Agreement).

"The conclusion of this agreement, which completes the
U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Cooperation Initiative, has been a
priority for both President Bush and Prime Minister Singh, and
strengthens the US-India Strategic Partnership," White House
Press Secretary Dana Perino said in a statement.

Perino said "this historic achievement will bolster
international non-proliferation efforts, provide economic and
business opportunities in both countries, and help India
address its growing energy needs in an environmentally
responsible manner."

The President "looks forward to working with Congress to
ensure passage on the agreement this year," she said.

Singh, who will be in the U.S. from September 23 to 27,
is expected to discuss with Bush the next steps to further
enhance the bilateral relations

The 123 Agreement could be signed during the meeting if
the U.S. Congress approves it by then.

The agreement, which will operationalise the nuclear
deal, was presented to the U.S. Congress Thursday by the Bush
Administration with the hope that it will be passed at an
early date.

Bush has been pushing the nuclear deal with India and was
personally involved in nudging various sceptic member
countries of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) to support
waiver for New Delhi, which was granted on September 6.