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Mon, 09/15/2008 - 16:53
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KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 15 (Bernama) -- Cathay Pacific Airways and Dragonair had a total passenger volume of 2,129,749 last month, up 0.5 per cent compared with the same period last year.

August's load factor was down 4.7 percentage points to 78.4 per cent, while the month's capacity measured in available seat kilometres (ASKs) increased by 14.0 per cent over the previous year.

"The number of passengers carried rose only marginally in August against a significant rise in capacity compared to last year mainly on routes to Australia, North America and India," Tom Owen, Cathay Pacific General Manager Revenue Management, said in a statement Monday.

He said the Beijing Olympics and the impact of the two typhoons that hit Hong Kong had a negative impact on passenger numbers for the month.

For the year to date, the number of passengers carried by the two airlines had risen by 11.3 per cent compared to a capacity rise of 14.5 per cent previously. Between them, Cathay Pacific and Dragonair also carried 140,589 tonnes of cargo and mail last month, a drop by 3.1 per cent from August 2007.

Cathay Pacific said capacity for the month, measured in available cargo/mail tonne kilometres, fell by 5.4 per cent while the cargo and mail load factor rose by 0.6 percentage points to 65.9 per cent.

"For the year to date, the amount of freight carried has risen by 5.3 per cent compared to a capacity climb of 4.6 per cent," the airline said.

Cathay Pacific General Manager Cargo Sales & Marketing Titus Diu said: "There was a significant reduction in our freighter capacity in August as we reduced services to offset the impact of high fuel prices. Demand during August was certainly affected by the Olympics in Beijing, with a drop in exports out of China around the games period.

"On the plus side, our second Boeing 747-400ERF 'Extended Range Freighter' is now in service and helping to improve efficiency on our important North American trunk routes," he added.