ID :
Tue, 08/23/2011 - 12:38
Auther :

Group Visit to Yasukuni Shrine Blasted

Pyongyang, August 23 (KCNA) -- More than 50 Dietmen and the governor of Tokyo Metropolis Ishihara and other ultra-right politicians of Japan belonging to the "Association of Dietmen for Visiting 'Yasukuni Shrine'" flocked to the shrine on August 15.
Rodong Sinmun on Tuesday observes this in a bylined commentary:
This betrays the ultra-right conservative politicians' ulterior intention to militarize the Japanese society, prompted by the aggressive idea and will of the Japanese war criminals.
What merits a serious attention is that Japanese Finance Minister Noda at a recent press conference asserted the top war criminals whose mortuary tablets are kept in the shrine are not war criminals.
His reckless remarks are intended to totally evade the legal responsibility for the war of aggression Japan fought in the past and go without redressing its crimes.
They are, at the same time, a double criminal act of rubbing salt into the wounds of the Asians including Koreans who suffered unspeakable misfortunes and disasters at the hands of the Japanese imperialists.