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Tue, 09/23/2008 - 12:07
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Aso appoints Hosoda as LDP secretary general, retains other execs+

TOKYO, Sept. 22 Kyodo - (EDS: UPDATING WITH NEW DETAILS) New Liberal Democratic Party President Taro Aso appointed former Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda as LDP secretary general while retaining those who held other key executive posts under his predecessor, Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda.

Aso, 68, who defeated four rivals in the LDP presidential election earlier in
the day, named Hosoda, 64, the party's acting secretary general, as his
successor in the No. 2 party position and kept Kosuke Hori, 73, as LDP Policy
Research Council chairman.
He also retained Takashi Sasagawa, 72, as General Council chairman and Makoto
Koga, 68, as Election Strategy Council chairman, in addition to keeping
Tadamori Oshima, 62, as chairman of the Diet Affairs Committee.
Hosoda emphasized the importance of having parliament pass a supplementary
budget for the current fiscal year at an extraordinary Diet session, to be
convened Wednesday, as part of an emergency policy package aimed at easing the
negative impact on the Japanese economy from spikes in energy and raw material
He and other executives also expressed their intention to gear up for the next
House of Representatives election, which is widely expected to be called in the
coming months.
''My biggest duty is to fully digest the outstanding issues at hand, have
(necessary proposals) passed in the Diet and prepare for the upcoming general
election,'' Hosoda told a press conference.
''It is important to work on measures such as ones for boosting the economy or
tackling consumer affairs or on making international contributions as much as
possible through discussions between the ruling and opposition parties for the
sake of the people,'' he said.
Oshima said it is his mission to help pave the way for the LDP to win the
general election in which the ability to govern will be at stake.
''Under the new Aso presidency, I will maintain coordination with the secretary
general and other executives and work on arranging an environment in which each
person can battle it out with all their might as I think it will be the
toughest election ever for the party,'' he said.
Aso, a former foreign minister, is set to be chosen as Japan's new prime
minister in parliament Wednesday, given the LDP's majority in the lower house
which has the final say in choosing the country's leader.
The election need not be held until next September when the current term of
lower house members expires, but Aso is expected to call it in the near future.