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Mon, 09/29/2008 - 10:39
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Champassak producing agricultural goods for the market

Champassak producing agricultural goods for the market

(KPL) The provincial Agriculture and Forestry Division of Champassak is having success in promoting agricultural production for the market.
Since 2000, a number of farmers have given up slash and burn cultivation, and now 20,000 tons of coffee are being exported every year.
Products being produced for the domestic market include 200 tons of cardamom, 33 tons of tamarind, five tons of ginger, 108 tons of peanuts, 3,221 tons of cabbage, 300 tone of bananas, 100 tones of cotton, and 10 tons of papaya.
Free range animal raising has also been expanding since 2000.
In the last seven years, the number of cows has increased 3.7 times, buffaloes 1.5 times, pigs four times and fishponds now cover 207 ha.