ID :
Thu, 10/16/2008 - 11:18
Auther :


Baku, 16 0ctober, (AzerTAj)A group of European MPs’ mission of international observers held a press conference at the Independent Press Center to share their impressions on the presidential election in Azerbaijan.

Member of House of Lords of UK Parliament Baroness O' Cathain described the voting
as democratic, transparent and fair. She expressed regret at boycotting the
elections by some opposition parties, noting everybody should be involved in active
socio-political life of their country irrespective of their political belonging.
"What else has left really good impression on me was the telephone hot line and the
opportunity for making free phone calls. All this must serve as an example for other
Sharing her colleagues` views, Deputy Chairperson of Saeima of Latvia Vineta
Muizniece characterized the presidential elections in Azerbaijan as the country's
another successful step towards democracy. The Vice-Speaker said she was satisfied
with the course of voting in general, and expressed hope other international
observers will have the same opinion.
Former member of Bundestag of the Federative Republic of Germany Otto Hauser said
recently ended voting was conducted in a free, democratic and transparent manner.
“I observed many elections. I want to cite Ukraine and Georgia as examples. If
international observers reported elections in those countries were free and
democratic, it should be applied to Azerbaijan as well."
Member of National Assembly of Bulgaria Solomon Passy said "the elections were held
in the same way as they normally are in my own country and other European
countries." He pointed out the importance of using Azerbaijan's election practice by
many other countries.
Member of the delegation of Germany to PACE Axel Fischer said "we had found no
violations of the law while monitoring the elections and described the poll as
very-well organized." He especially praised the use of webcams at polling stations
noting the importance for European states to adopt this experience.
Afterwards, the observers answered questions from journalists.