ID :
Thu, 10/16/2008 - 18:52
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China Denies Use of Dichlorvos in Beans Exported to Japan

Tokyo, Oct. 15 (Jiji Press)--China has denied the use of
organophosphorous pesticide called dichlorvos in frozen green beans exported to Japan by a food maker in Shandong Province, officials of the Japanese Foreign Ministry said late Wednesday night.

Chinese quarantine authorities told the ministry that inspections
of the company, Yantai Beihai Foodstuff Co., have found at least for the
moment that the pesticide was not used at all when the beans were grown or
processed at the firm's plant, the officials said.
According to an announcement by the Japanese Health, Labor and
Welfare Ministry on Wednesday, a 56-year-old woman in Hachioji, western
Tokyo, complained of numbness in her tongue and nausea after eating
Chinese-made frozen green beans she bought at a supermarket in Hachioji.
A maximum of 6,900 parts per million of dichlorvos, far higher than
the permitted residue level of 0.2 ppm, was detected from the frozen beans,
which were produced by Yantai Beihai Foodstuff and imported by Japan's
Nichirei Foods Inc.
The Foreign Ministry officials said the Chinese side explained that
a total of 17.5 tons of frozen green beans were produced together with the
product in question by the Chinese company on July 11-13.
Customs inspections were carried out on these beans on July 14, and
the products were exported on July 19, according to the Chinese
In the customs inspections, the frozen beans were tested for a
total of 385 kinds of pesticides, including dichlorvos and methamidophos,
another organophosphorous pesticide, and no problem was found in the
pesticide tests, the Chinese side told the ministry.
In a related move, a senior Chinese quarantine official visited the
Japanese embassy in Beijing and said that the Chinese government seriously
takes the tainted beans case. China is concerned that the incident may
overshadow friendly relations between China and Japan, the official added.
The official also showed hopes that the two countries will solve
the problem by investigating the case based on scientific grounds and
exchanging information.