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Thu, 08/30/2012 - 09:23
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Ahmadinejad: NAM Has Appropriate Potential To Control Unilateralism

Tehran, Aug 30, IRNA – Iran's president said in a meeting with the Indian Prime Minister here Wednesday that NAM has appropriate potential to control unilateralism and safeguarding its members' rights against aliens' ill intentions, which are shared goals of both the countries. The information website of the President's Office quoted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as making the remark Wednesday evening with the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Iran and India are cradles of great humane eastern civilizations with historical cultures which are intermingled with each other, the website further quoted President Ahmadinejad as saying. "Tehran and the New Delhi have always had friendly and intimate relations, and today, too, the two countries' cooperation and interactions are going on at an excellent level and I hope your honor's visit would lead to further deepening and strengthening of these relations," he added. He said that the presence of the Indian prime minister at the XVI Tehran NAM Summit, as one of the initial founding members of the movement has constructive and useful effects in the functioning and decision makings at this meeting. The president further added that the Non-Aligned Movement has proper potentials and opportunities for pushing forth the demands and pursuing the shared efforts of the independent countries for ensuring sustainable peace and security. President Ahmadinejad said that India is one of main pillars of the movement, adding, 'Participation and support of India is one of the main conditions for restructuring and providing new opportunities for the Non-Aligned Movement and one of the conditions for the success of NAM in achieving its objectives.' Ahmadinejad proposed that the establishment of a provisional secretariat office for NAM could contribute to pushing forth the movement's objectives and also to restructuring is effectively, reiterating that "Iran would have close consultations with India regarding restructuring of the Non-Aligned Movement and would take constant advantage of the Indian side, and I feel sure the two sides' cooperation in the framework of NAM would elevate this movement to reach its real deserved status.' He said that the Non-Aligned Movement has the appropriate potential for controlling unilateralism and for safeguarding the member countries against the aliens' intention for unwelcome interference, reiterating, "Materializing of these demands are among the share objectives of Iran and India." The president considered Iran and India as pieces of a the same humane and historical culture that is at the service of peace and freedom, reiterating, "Iran and India cannot be separate from each other today, and our countries must have close and intermingled cooperation at the same front, because Tehran and New Delhi have shared interests and wishes." Ahmadinejad expressed certainty that the major world powers are opposed to the emergence of a powerful and advanced India, adding that 'International totalitarians know that a powerful and advanced India would definitely have positive effects on the intentions of the independent nations, which would be to their loss, and they have the same approach towards Iran." He said that the level of the two countries' economic cooperation is very satisfactory, adding, 'Of course, there are still many unused potentials in energy, investment, agricultural, trade, tourism, and scientific and technological exchange in both countries.' The president reiterated, "Iran can, and is fully ready for providing India's entire energy demands quite safely and to increase its trade volume by buying a greater amount of goods from India." Ahmadinejad referred to the existence of broad and great potentials and opportunities in Iran and in India for scientific and technological cooperation, reiterating, "Iran and India have had broad academic exchanges as of past decades and today, too, they can expand it more than ever before in such fields as exchange of university students, professors, and scientific and technological achievements." Referring to the ongoing construction work on North-South transportation corridor joining the Caspian Sea and Iran's south-most port city of Chabahar, he added, "The Chabahar-Zahedan-Gorgan railroad in that route is under construction, and the Islamic Republic of Iran welcomes India's participation in it." The President pointed out that Iran supports India's investment proposals in fields of investment, oil and gas exploitation, steel production and other industrial field, reiterating, "Keeping in mind India's noticeable advancements in these fields, I evaluate the two countries' cooperation in aerospace field useful and effective, as well." Ahmadinejad emphasized, "Iran and India have many good potentials for expanding bartered transactions and doing trade using our two countries' national currencies, and relying on the will and pursuing of the officials in the two countries for expansion of cooperation based on these foundations, we would be witnesses to increasing to greater dimensions than ever before the level of the Iran-India relations and cooperation in very near future." He meanwhile considered Iran-India cooperation at international organizations very satisfactory, saying, "Iran has always fully supported the rights of the Indian nations and government at all international organizations and appreciates and thanks the bright viewpoints of India in defense of the rights of the Iranian nation." The president referred to the shared viewpoints of Iran and India on regional and international issues, adding, " Iran believes the problems in Afghanistan can only be solved relying on political processes, and that India's presence in Afghanistan would be constructive and useful, fully supporting India's efforts aimed at assisting the people and government of Afghanistan, believing that Iran and India can have shared and effective cooperation in line with establishment of peace and security in Afghanistan." Ahmadinejad said that lack of security and extremism are to the loss of the entire countries in the region, reiterating, "Today in Pakistan we are faced with an organized extremism, which is a malicious phenomenon in need of being encountered, getting assistance from the regional countries, and uprooting this ugly and dangerous thought is in need of broad and deep rooted cooperation." Emphasizing that extremism is the offspring of the presence and interference of the aliens in the region, he reiterated, "We are all aware about the people who spent huge amounts of money to establish and support the extremist groups and unfortunately these aliens are still present in Afghanistan and in Pakistan, and we hope they would as soon as possible leave the region and permit the regional countries themselves rule in the region." The president added, "We all know that the aliens are after fomenting crises among regional countries and they see their interests in war making in various parts of the world," Ahmadinejad pointed out that the Indian government has always wisely recognized the oppressive plots of the enemies and managed the situation, reiterating, "The Indian government's way of encountering the terrorist events during the course of the past year was very wise and I hope relying on collective cooperation of the regional countries the entire antagonist plots of the oppressors against the regional nations and the independent countries of the world would be dismantled." He pointed out that Iran and India have shared stands regarding the Syrian issue, saying, "We all believe the solution to the Syrian crisis must be non-military and based on the demand and will of the Syrian government and nation, and conditions should be provided so that the government and the dissidents would reach agreement over a shared national program aimed at exit from the present crisis." The president added, "Unfortunately, the interferences in Syria are very broad scale and we are witnesses to the fact that the weapons of the war mercenaries are forwarded to Syria at mass volume and some countries officially support the dissidents for expansion of the dimensions of the armed engagements." Ahmadinejad reiterated, "Our major concern regarding Syria is about the future of that country, because Syria is a country comprised of various tribes and presently the entire historical disputes in that country have been intrigued, which is why we fear lest Syria would for a long period be fallen prey to internal disputes and clashes and these engagements as we see today, spill over to some neighboring countries of Syria, as well." He announced Iran's readiness for shared efforts aimed at creating mutual understanding and security in Syria, reiterating, 'I believe the title and capacity of the Non-Aligned Movement provide good opportunity for cooperation among the member countries on Syria, and efforts aimed at establishment of peace and security in that country." The president appreciated the bright stand of India regarding the nuclear rights of the Iranian nation, reiterating, "The objectives and intentions of the major world powers are clear for everyone, and the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear program is no more than a pretext aimed at imposing pressure against this country." Ahmadinejad added, "Iran has had maximal cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and has spent its best efforts so that its negotiations with the G5+1 would be successful, but as you are better aware of the behavior and approach of these countries, and are not unaware of their expansionist tendencies, all the same, Iran while resisting at the border of its rights and its legal interests, spends its entire efforts aimed at solving the matter peacefully." The president emphasized, "We believe the Islamic Republic of Iran's defense of its absolute rights is defense of the rights of all nations, because if we would permit the totalitarians to impose anything against us, this would become a paradigm that could be imposed against the other countries as well." Ahmadinejad said that negotiations over the nuclear issue of Iran are complicated and difficult, arguing, "Of course, the negotiations are proceeding amid a calm atmosphere and we hope to reach good agreements." He added, "The present conditions and the ongoing world order cannot last for longer than they have and we are in need of a new world order in whose establishment and management every world nation would be involved and participating and the rights of the entire nations involved in it would be secured justly, and a world would be built in which there would be no sign of discrimination, oppression, and occupation, just as the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement dreamed about it, and today the members of this movement, including Iran and India, are agreed about it, and spend efforts aimed at materializing it." India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, too, in the meeting said that being invited to the event and traveling to Tehran was a great pride for him and congratulated Iran for hosting the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), emphasizing, "India would fully cooperate with the Islamic Republic of Iran for adopting constructive decisions within the framework of the Non-Aligned Movement's objectives." Manmohan Singh said that Iran and India are both cradles of grate human civilizations and have had close and intermingled cooperation throughout long centuries, presuming their give and takes and their trade in best possible manner and elevating it to the highest possible level, which is itself a good cradle for ever greater bilateral relations." The Indian prime minister reiterated, "Iran has always been dear and respectable for the Indian nation and the Persian language used to be an official language of consecutive centuries side by side with Urdu and Indian languages, the former two are today the official languages of our country, while many Farsi worlds are used in them, and all these factors create a feeling of closeness and great intimacy between the two nations, governments, and countries." Manmohan Singh pointed out that the NAM is now standing at the crossroads of history and has played its role from the past till now effectively in international developments, reiterating: "Today the power structures in the world have been subject to such evolutions that it is possible to take advantage of them in a better way to secure our own benefits and in this line the Non-aligned Movement is in need of a new thinking and a new structure aimed at reaching perfection and being better able to respond to the today needs of its members and the international society." He pointed out that the axis of today's efforts of the NAM member countries must be aimed at suffering least possible damages due to the economic crises at the international scene, adding, "the NAM member countries must share ideas and adopt a strategy aimed at encountering the present day crises quite prepared." Manmohan Singh added, "Feel assured that India would have a close cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran during its years of presidency of NAM, and definitely this movement would during the next three years under Iran's management achieve great objectives." Manmohan Singh welcomed the proposal of expanding bilateral ties with Iran in scientific, technological, economic and political fields, reiterating, "India welcomes scientific exchange, such as visits of the two countries' scientists of each others' scientific centers, as well as exchange of students and professors, believing that there are also great potentials for expansion of trade ties and technological cooperation between Tehran and the New Delhi, and we believe the Share Commission of Iran and India is a proper place for executing these ideas." He said that cooperation in energy sector is one of the fields in which his government emphasizes broader cooperation with Iran, reiterating, "despite the entire pressures imposed by the west, India keeps on buying the Iranian oil and the officials of both countries are always after facilitating bartered transactions of oil for goods and other ways for transferring the money of such trades, and according to the reached agreements between the two countries' officials, 45% of the oil sales of Iran to India would be paid in cash." He thanked President Ahmadinejad for reopening of the Indian Cultural Center in Iran, reiterating, "The establishment of the new Indian Cultural Center in Iran contribute greatly to deepening and expansion of the two countries' cultural relations." Manmohan Singh added, "Iran and India have direct interests in establishment of peace, security, and sustainable peace in Afghanistan, adding, 'The presence of India in Afghanistan is evaluated by the people of that country and the international society in line with stability of Afghanistan and our efforts in that country must continue in that line, contributing to establishment of stability, security, and sustainable peace in Afghanistan." He said, "The emergence of extremism in Pakistan is a threat against the region and the world, which is in need of efforts aimed at confronting it and preventing its expansion and establishment." The Indian prime minister also emphasized, "We believe solving the Syrian crisis through military ways is not possible and the problems of the Syrian nation must be solved through diplomatic ways in which the demands of that nation would be respected, and that solution should be sought from within the Syrian society." Manmohan Singh expressed delight over the progress achieved in Iran's negotiations with the G5+1, reiterating, "India has always supported the entire nations right to take peaceful advantage of the nuclear energy within the framework of the IAEA treaties and we hope Iran and the G5+1 would reach a final diplomatic solution to the Iran issue as soon as possible."/end