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Wed, 11/05/2008 - 10:06
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Lao handicraft festival opened

Lao handicraft festival opened

(KPL) The 7th handicraft festival took place at Lao International Trade Exhibition Convention Centre (Lao ITECC) to mark 10th anniversary establishment (on 1 November) of Lao Handicraft Association last Saturday.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by Premier Bouasone Bouphavanh and senior officials from relevant agencies.
PM Bouasone highlighted how important contribution part of Lao handicraft to socio-economic development so that the Government paid an important to this sector and pushed economic change in line with the Government’s policy on encouraging the commercial production of hand-made goods.
Therefore, the Government assigned the ministry, relevant department as a supervisor and administrator all activities of handicraft that led to get handicraft law in 2008.
“The promotion and development of Lao handicraft production is duty of all social strata in society gather to preserve and pour it down to young generation in order to be an acceptable in domestic and international markets,” he said.
The Government policy was defined by holding business as partners’ socio-economic development. By the way all relevant agencies have to take parts in all directions to promote and stimulate the productivities for export and the prevention of copy rights on intellectual property of Lao handicraft artisans.
To fulfill the target, the Lao Handicraft Association should create handicraft centre to collect Lao handicraft products for display and transfer knowledge to who interested in handicraft skills to be trained, PM added.
The festival is scheduled to run until Wednesday and feature 133 booths exhibiting hand-made gold, silver, wooden and textile products from around the country.