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Wed, 11/05/2008 - 10:11
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Lao workers in Thailand face retrenchment

Lao workers in Thailand face retrenchment

(KPL) Thousands of Lao workers who are working overseas are now facing the problem of getting retrenched because of the economic downturn in the world.
The many Lao workers who are working legally in Thailand are affected, which Thai employers would not allow Lao workers to do any part-time work and they can only do full-time work
According to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of Laos, the Thai employers are canceling the work permits of part-time workers because they are trying to reduce their expenditures at a time when the global economy is shrinking.
Mr Phouvanh Chanthavong, Director of Lao Labour Department said that such a move would cause many Lao part-time workers to lose their jobs and they would not be able to send money to their parents.
He said that 60,000 Lao people are legally working in Thailand and 14,000 Lao people are working illegally.
Some Lao workers working in Thailand told the Lao Labour Department that they were considering the prospect of returning to their homeland to look for new jobs because the money they earn as part-timers is not enough to support their daily expenses.
Since announcement of canceling part-time and so they have plans to return to Laos.
Over the past years an increasing number of Lao people went to work in Thailand because they can earn more money. A Labour Department official said that a Lao worker earn around 400,000 kip per month but if he goes to work in Thailand, his monthly pay would be around 1.2 million kip (6,000 baht) and he would be able to take home more money if he works overtime.