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Mon, 08/12/2013 - 07:40
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Senior MP Calls For Natl Dialog To Settle Regional Crises

Tehran, Aug 11, IRNA – A prominent Iranian Parliament member said here Sunday that constructive talks among local political groups in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, free from aliens interference, is only solution for crises in those countries. The regional nation should be allowed the decide their faiths themselves, free from the interference of the foreigners, and that is the only way to solve the crises in those countries, said the Chairman of the Islamic Parliaments National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi. According to the Islamic Parliaments News and Mass Media Office, Boroujerdi made the comment in a meeting with the new Australian Ambassador to Tehran, Paul Foley, announcing that the Iranian Parliaments readiness for comprehensive cooperation with the Australian government and Parliament. Boroujerdi pointed out that the new government of the Islamic Republic of Iran favors maximum expansion of foreign relations with the regional and world countries, based on mutual respect and interests, adding, The Islamic Parliament, Majlis, too, supports that policy. He referred to the US policies in Afghanistan, saying, Further expansion of the dimension of terrorism, vaster areas under cultivation of opium, the changed US policy in its campaign against Taliban and choosing to negotiate with the government, and continued violence in Afghanistan and Pakistan are all signs of obvious defeat of the US politicians policies in the region. Chairman of the Islamic Parliaments National Security and Foreign Policy Commission emphasized the need for campaign against terrorism as a serious threat against the international peace and security. He added, The Islamic Republic of Iran is fully ready and has the required capacities for cooperation with the international community aimed at solving this malicious phenomenon. During the meeting the new Australian ambassador to Tehran, for his part, pointed to the outcome of the recent Iranian presidential elections, saying, The Australian government welcomes Irans policy of holding constructive dialogue with various countries of world. Paul Foley said that after the establishment of the new Australian Parliament in the near future, expansion of bilateral parliamentary relations will be pursued. He evaluated the role played by Iran in solving the regional disputes and crises as very sensitive, adding, The major world powers involved in regional crises must offer security and economic contributions aimed at establishment of sustainable peace, stability, and construction in the region. Earlier in the day, ambassador Foley had a separate meeting with the Iranian Foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi. Australia has maintained a continuous diplomatic presence in Iran since the Australian Embassy in Tehran was established in 1968. Iran has had an embassy in Canberra since 1971./end