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Tue, 11/11/2008 - 14:57
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That Luang fair opens

That Luang fair opens
(KPL) The 2008 That Luang Fair was officially opened on 7 November.
Among the high-ranking officials present at the opening ceremony were Mr. Somsavat Lengsavad, LPRP CC’s Politburo member and Standing Deputy Prime Minister; Mr. Sombath Yialiheu, member of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) CC and Mayor of Vientiane.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Somvandy Nathavong, Vice-Mayor of Vientiane, highlighted the activities of the fair, which are designed for the salutation of the coming National Day – 2nd December, and the preservation and promotion of the fine traditional customs. He said that the That Luang fair was being held at That Luang (the Great Stupa) esplanade and at the Lao-ITECC.
The fair to run until 12 November features the display of goods by 113 institutions and companies in the That Luang Square and by 708 booths at the Lao- ITECC.