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Mon, 11/17/2008 - 11:14
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Japan Explains North Korea Policy to Obama's Reps

Washington. Nov. 15 (Jiji Press)--Japan explained its North Korea
policy to U.S. President-elect Barack Obama's two representatives to the
Group of 20 financial summit, informed sources said Saturday.

Japanese Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Jun Matsumoto, who
accompanied Prime Minister Taro Aso to the just-ended summit, met with
former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Republican
House of Representatives member Jim Leach.
Matsumoto explained Japan's position that focuses on both the
nuclear and abduction issues and expressed hopes for strong cooperation with
the Obama side after he takes office next January.
Neither Japanese government nor Obama's transition team will
announce details of Matsumoto's meeting with Albright and Leach. Speaking to
reporters, Matsumoto only said he stressed the importance of the bilateral
alliance and explained Aso's wishes.
Matsumoto also called for an early meeting between Aso and Obama.
In phone talks with Obama last week, Aso expressed hopes for further
Japan-U.S. cooperation in dealing with not only North Korean issues but
economic challenges including the global financial crisis.
After Saturday's G-20 summit, Aso told reporters that he had been
impressed in the phone taks with Obama's interest in Asia.
Albright and Leach, designated to represent Obama at the G-20
summit, had informal talks with leaders of 17 countries and organizations.
The pair will report the results to Obama and Vice President-elect Joe