ID :
Tue, 03/25/2014 - 14:11
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Bahrain Press

Manama: March 25 -- (BNA): Below are some of Bahrain newspapers headlines on local events:- HRH the Prime Minister: Bahrain won’t neglect its security and stability. A series of measures in place to prevent misuse of national privileges in inflicting harm to the Homeland. Any saboteur who has sold himself to a foreigner; we have the right to fend off his evil. Premier regrets misguided saboteurs who destroy their areas by their own hands. We will tackle saboteurs, terrorists and conspirators to protect Homeland from their evil. Shura Council: Father of a "terrorist" delinquent son punishable by new law. Teargas report probed by Interior Ministry. Abul: Stripping of nationality caused us a problem; Al-Awadhi: the law permits the stripping of nationality. Education Ministry: New curricula in partnership with UNESCO. Civil Service Bureau (CSB) oversees recruitment from A to Z. Newspaper reporter visits 200-year old "gurudwara" i.e. Hindu temple in Manama. Two agreements signed with Saudi Development Fund (SDF) worth $ 58 million. Mobile eco-friendly slaughterhouse introduced by Gulf-African Livestock Company. BD 6 billion worth of lands acquired for construction of vital projects.