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Mon, 03/31/2014 - 00:28
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Cabinet: Subsidy on red meat to continue

Manama, Mar. 30. (BNA) -- Chairing the weekly cabinet session, His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa directed all ministers to expedite reimbursements to those whose land was acquired for public projects, the Official Spokesperson of the Government Sameera Ebrahim bin Rajab stated. Speaking during the weekly post-cabinet press conference, the Minister of State said that The cabinet had approved a memorandum presented by the Deputy Prime Minister Chairman of the Ministerial Committee for Services and Infrastructure on the continuation of the government subsidy on red meat through the Bahrain Livestock Company, adding that the subsidy would continue until a new government subsidy system was formulated. A ministerial committee held several meetings to study the current market and provide basic food commodities in a manner that meets the needs of consumers. It also looked at implementing pricing set by the government. The Ministerial Committee has coordinated with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning, the legislative branch and other relevant authorities, she explained. HRH Premier also directed the ministers in charge of electricity, water and municipality taxes to review the cases of citizens who may require assistance in paying electricity bills, the Official Spokesperson said. The efforts of the Minister of Labour Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan that led to the signing of an agreement to annul the labour complaint against Bahrain at the International Labour Organisation were praised by the Prime Minister, said the Minister. The Prime Minister praised the patience and understanding of all three signatories that led to taking the right decision, and helped preserve the rights of all concerned, she added. The cabinet appreciated the Minister of Culture Shaikha Mayi bint Mohammed Al Khalifa for the success of the Bahrain International Book Fair 2014, she also said. Earlier, opening the weekly session, the cabinet praised the Arab Summit which convened in Kuwait. The importance of the resolutions taken by Arab leaders during the summit was highlighted, said the Official Government Spokesperson. The cabinet approved a memorandum presented by the Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Ministerial Committee for Legal Affairs on the establishment and regulation of the administrative apparatus at the Public Prosecution. The move will be important in implementing Decree No. (34) for the year 2013, regulating justice affairs at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments. Under the new regulation, the directorates of forensic evidence and human and financial resources will be created, enhancing the independence of the judicial system. It will also contribute to promoting professionalism in the public prosecution, she added. The cabinet also approved a memorandum on the follow-up report concerning the implementation of proposals of the third legislative term of the two houses of parliament. It was presented by the Minister of State for follow-up Affairs Mohammed Ibrahim Al Muttawa, said the Minister. The report detailed the level of implementation of 333 proposals, classified according to their nature as construction, regulatory or service projects. According to the report, 169 proposals have been implemented and 35 currently implemented. 60 other proposals are still being followed-up in coordination with the ministries and government entities concerned. About 69 proposals could not be implemented due to lack of budgets, lands or other resources, said the government's spokesperson. The implementation of more than two-thirds of the proposals shows the high level of coordination between the government and the legislative branch to serve the public interest of citizens. The cabinet discussed a memorandum presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa on a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland regarding facilitating visiting visa application process to holders of diplomatic and special passports. The MoU aims to encourage and develop cooperation between the two countries through granting Bahraini nationals holding special and diplomatic passports free six-month entry visas to the UK and Northern Ireland, the right for a visa-free travel to the Kingdom of Bahrain for holders of UK diplomatic passport holders, diplomatic pouches bearers and special diplomatic officials on official visits for a period not exceeding six months. The Cabinet decided to refer the matter to the concerned ministerial committee for further review. A memorandum presented by the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Shaikh Ghanim bin Fadhul Al Buainain on an application to register the Arab Authority for Investment and Development of Real Estate was discussed by the cabinet. It also looked into establish the body’s headquarters in Bahrain, she added. The main objectives of the authority are to coordinate the work of the authority members to achieve a real return for their business and develop the skills and knowledge of members to gain better access to projects and opportunities regionally and globally. The cabinet decided to refer the matter to the concerned ministerial committee for further review. The Cabinet took note of the approval of the Council of Representatives and Shura Council of adding a new article (No. 391 bis) to the Penal Code issued by Law Decree No. 15 for the year 1976, concerning money collection.