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Thu, 11/27/2008 - 10:19
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Indochina countries underline enhancing fraternity

Indochina countries underline enhancing fraternity

(KPL) Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (CLV) have underlined the importance of further intensification of their fraternal friendship and solidarity as well as of the existing comprehensive co-operation, which could serve as the main foundation for each country’s stability and development.
At the 5th CLV Summit on the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam (CLV) Development Triangle Area (DTA) in Vientiane yesterday, the Prime Minister of Laos Mr. Bouasone Bouphavanh and his Cambodian and Vietnamese counterparts Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung, respectively, renewed their commitment to the goals of the Vientiane Declaration on establishing the Cambodia – Laos–Vietnam Development Triangle Area with a view to accelerating economic growth, poverty reduction, social and cultural progress in the Triangle Area on the basis of making full use of their respective countries’ potentials and complementary advantages.
In their joint statement, the CLV Prime Ministers expressed appreciation for the fruitful outcomes of the JCC and Sub-Committee’ Meeting, which strengthened the close co-operation in the areas of economic, investment, trade facilitation, energy, road connection and environment as well as tourism, agriculture development, education and healthcare development.
The Prime Ministers encouraged that joint trade, investment and tourism promotion events between Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam shall be organised in the countries, with which the three countries have already signed Agreements on Liberalisation, Promotion and Protection Investment to attract more ODA and FDI inflows into the DTA.
They emphasised the need to update and revise the Socio-economic Development Master Plan for the CLV Development Triangle Area and instructed the JCC and Sub-committee to review and adjust the Master Plan by 2009, so that it can be submitted to the next CLV summit for endorsement.
They appreciated the 20 million US dollars by Japan to the CLV Development Triangle Area and took note of the MoU on Utilisation of the said assistance, which was signed on the occasion of the 1st Japan-Mekong Foreign Ministers’ Meeting early this year in Japan.
The three sides reaffirmed their need to closely coordinate with Japan to secure the effective use of the above assistance and called upon Japan to provide more assistance to the CLV DTA, particularly in socio-economic infrastructure development and instructed the working groups of CLV to arrange the 3rd CLV+Japan Working Level Meeting soon in Laos to discuss and propose concrete programmes, projects for Japan’s assistance.
In addition, the Prime Ministers of the three countries also recognised the participation of private sector in trade, investment, human resource and infrastructure development was not sufficient. Therefore, the governments will give priority to public investment to address these concerns.
A Joint Co-ordination Committee to effectively implement the MoU to accelerate and facilitate trade, investment and tourism growth in the CLV DTA was also tasked by the prime ministers of the three countries.
Recognising the vital role of the environmental protection and sustainable management and use of our natural resources in the Development Triangle Area to the sustainable development in their respective countries, the three leaders reaffirmed their commitments to strengthen closer co-operation in environmental protection in the Development Triangle Area.