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Sat, 08/02/2014 - 12:21
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Strategy Of Talks; New Way For Intˈl Co-op - Iran Daily

Tehran, Aug 2, IRNA - Undoubtedly, Iran’s nuclear achievements, especially uranium enrichment, can be seen as one of the touchstones of the country’s development, wrote Saturdayˈs edition of ˈIran Dailyˈ in its Opinion column.
That is why the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty recognizes the right to peaceful nuclear activities for all countries as they help nations in the route of development, added the English-language daily.
This clearly indicates that the controversy on Iran’s right to have a uranium enrichment program is not a legal dispute, rather a politically-motivated one.
Iran has managed to acquire nuclear know-how independently. The country only seeks to retain its legal and internationally recognized right and will not wait for other countries to grant it its own right.
What Iran’s Foreign Ministry has put on the agenda is to clarify the logical reasons that have convinced the nation to valiantly fight for its nuclear rights.
If fact, Iran is trying to thwart efforts that demonize the country as a nuclear threat to international peace by invalidating ‘non-legal arguments’ that certain countries are making against its peaceful nuclear energy program, it said.
For that reason, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, gave the go-ahead for talks with world powers to the government of President Hassan Rouhani so that realities are revealed to the world public, highlighted the daily.
The ‘strategy of talks’ does not seek to negotiate the nation’s inalienable right with anyone, rather it aims to present a law-abiding image of Iran to the world and remind world powers of the country’s rights.
It also seeks to challenge all anti-Iran measures adopted by the United Nations Security Council and unilateral sanctions imposed by certain countries against the Islamic Republic by elucidating the legal foundations of Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities.
The strategy can be regarded as an effective and necessary step in the process of confidence-building and easing reasonable concerns of the international community and could eventually lead to restoration of the nation’s right.
The diplomatic apparatus, which is tasked with implementing the macro policies of the Islamic Republic within a framework of redlines set by the Leader, strives to put forward its legitimate demands through a compelling logic and foil ill-wishers’ evil plots targeting the country’s security as well as political and economic arenas.
Therefore, the latest round of nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 in Vienna can be considered as a valuable achievement, for the negotiating team proved firstly that it has a strong will to reach a fair, comprehensive and logical deal that settles the dispute over Iran’s nuclear activities, and secondly it will not negotiate an agreement at any cost.
The gist of the all above-mentioned is reflected in what the Leader said during a speech in February. Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: “The task the Foreign Ministry and government officials have begun with regards to nuclear negotiations will continue. Iran will not break what it has promised,” the paper concluded.
*Hosseini, writer of this article, serves as an advisor to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif