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Mon, 09/08/2014 - 17:34
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The Huffington Post issues article headlined “Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict through War or Peace”

Baku, September 8 (AzerTAc). The Huffington Post has published an article titled “Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict through War or Peace.”
Written by Claude Salhani, the article says: “Armenia and Azerbaijan, who are in a state of war despite a ceasefire, have three options on how to approach the stalemated conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, a dispute that lasted more than two decades.
Each option comes with a sour pill, as there is no magic solution. But such is the reality of trying to find a peaceful resolution to a bloody conflict.
The two sides can agree to disagree and continue with the status quo. They can continue to exchange gunfire and mortar rounds on a daily and nightly basis and to lob rhetoric and insults at each other. There are both advantages and setbacks with this option. The advantage goes to Armenia -- at least in the initial stage -- as it gets to keep all the occupied lands -- 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory -- that it grabbed when the Soviet Union broke up. This, however, is a very shortsighted option, as it lays down the groundwork for a potential military escalation down the road. At some point in time, Baku might feel it has no other option.
The second option is a military one and while Azerbaijan would undoubtedly have military superiority, there are great risks involved in embarking on a military campaign as the final outcome is always unpredictable and could lead to a regional conflagration.
That leaves the third and only real viable option: dialogue and a peaceful resolution. While this be the smartest solution to follow, it will also be the most difficult, as it would involve having to talk to one's enemies.”