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Sat, 12/13/2008 - 21:46
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Aso protests Chinese ships intruding into Japanese waters

FUKUOKA, Dec. 13 Kyodo - Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso lodged a protest with Chinese Premier Wen
Jiabao over two Chinese survey ships that intruded into Japanese waters near
the disputed Senkaku islands, a Japanese official said.
In their talks ahead of a tripartite meeting that also included South Korean
President Lee Myung Bak, Aso and Wen acknowledged cooperation in weathering the
global financial crisis, the official said.
Wen invited Aso to visit China at ''an appropriate time next year'' and Aso
replied that he would like to do so ''at an appropriate time,'' the official
On the intrusion of the Chinese ships, Aso said the incident was ''truly
regrettable'' and expressed concern about its effect on bilateral relations,
while Wen said the islands are ''Chinese territory from ancient times.''
Wen added that China would like to resolve the issue through talks so the
incident does not have adverse effects on the amicable bilateral ties, the
official said.
Aso said the islands are undoubtedly Japanese territory historically and
legally under international law, and urged Wen to take measures to prevent the
recurrence of a similar incident, the official said.
Two Chinese survey ships entered Japanese territorial waters in the East China
Sea near the islets also claimed by Taiwan and China on Monday morning and left
there early evening, according to the Japan Coast Guard.
On bilateral negotiations to jointly develop gas fields in the disputed East
China Sea, Aso said Japan would like to hold talks at an early time to move
forward toward concluding an agreement, while Wen said China would like to
continue working-level consultations.
Aso said it is important for Japan, China and South Korea to cooperate in order
to overcome the recession brought on by the financial crisis as soon as
Wen responded that the three countries in making their economies stable through
cooperation will lead to the stimulation of the Asian economy.
On the six-party talks to denuclearize North Korea, Aso told Wen that it was
''regrettable'' that the talks did not go well and expressed hope for China's
role as host.
2008-12-13 21:33:21