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Thu, 12/18/2008 - 15:20
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Baku, 17 December,(AzerTAj)UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon addressed to the world community on International Migrants Day, on 18 December.

“Globalization and the growing disparities in living conditions within and among
States are combining to increase the scale of cross-border migration worldwide.
Currently, there are more people living outside their countries of birth than ever
before, an estimated 200 million in 2007. Migrants are often driven by the
aspiration for a better life. They seek a safer, more prosperous future for their
children, and they are willing to work for it. Given the chance to make the most of
their abilities, on an equal basis, the vast majority of migrants will be assets to
society. Millions of migrants provide essential services to the economies and
societies of the countries they live in while supporting their families and
communities back home, where remittances boost the national economy.
Unfortunately, migrants rarely receive recognition for their contributions. Instead,
they often contend with abuses and discrimination ranging from the absence of
protection mechanisms to discriminatory national legislation. In extreme cases,
they are victims of racist or xenophobic attacks.
Many important safeguards are contained in the International Convention on the
Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, but
to date it has been ratified by only 37 countries. I urge all Member States who
have not yet ratified or acceded to the Convention to do so as soon as possible as a
way to ensure the full and effective protection of the human rights of migrants”,
the message reads.