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Thu, 12/25/2008 - 06:24
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Emperor Akihito greets public on 75th birthday+

TOKYO, Dec. 23 Kyodo - Emperor Akihito greeted well-wishers at the Imperial Palace on Tuesday as an estimated 17,500 people gathered to celebrate his 75th birthday, the largest number since his reign began 20 years ago, according to the Imperial Household Agency.

''Recently, I have given you cause to worry as my health has declined, but I
believe I will recover gradually,'' the emperor said, waving from behind the
glass windows of a balcony at the palace's main building during his first
appearance in the morning.
He also expressed his concern over those who have been affected by the economic
downturn that has hit the nation, saying, ''I'm concerned that there will be
many people facing difficulties and having a hard time at the end of the
year...I hope you have a new year in good health.''
The emperor made three separate appearances in the morning. Alongside him,
Empress Michiko, Crown Prince Naruhito and his wife Crown Princess Masako, and
Prince Akishino and his wife Princess Kiko also greeted the public.
Yoshiko Natori, 65, who visited the palace to wish the emperor well for the
first time, said, ''It was good that the emperor seemed fine.'' The office
worker from Koshigaya, Saitama Prefecture, added, ''I think he must have
tremendous stress because of the position he holds.''
In the afternoon, the emperor received celebratory messages from Prime Minister
Taro Aso and representatives from legislative, administrative and judicial
A party is also scheduled with other royal family members and parliamentarians.
Since the emperor still has symptoms of a cold, some customary events have been
canceled or curtailed this year. As part of such changes, ambassadors from
foreign countries have been asked to send messages to the emperor instead of
seeing him in person.
The Imperial Household Agency set up tables in front of its building on the
site of the palace for members of the public to sign books of good wishes for
the emperor.
2008-12-23 21:38:00