ID :
Thu, 12/25/2008 - 14:55
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Beware of expired food items

Beware of expired food items

(KPL) The public health officials of Laos said that businessmen who bring food items that have exceeded their expiry dates for sale during the present festive season would be seriously punished.
The Food and Drugs Department of Laos suspected that some businessmen were taking advantage of the coming International New Year to bring expired food items for sale and they have already found expired milk and meat products on the shelves of shops in Vientiane Capital.
However the Food and Drugs Department would not reveal details on their investigation to journalists because they are afraid that it would adversely affect the businesses of such retail outlets. Lately, the Food and Drugs Department issued a directive to businessmen, retailers and owners of mini-markets that they must respect the regulations of the Ministry of Health and in the present situation it is the ban on selling expired food items. The ministry added that it would punish the wrong doers seriously.
Mr Sivisay Sayasane, Head of Food and Drugs Office, Champassack province told KPL News yesterday that health officials found expired food items, milk, soft-drinks and cakes in the shops in Champassack province and all these, he added were imported from Thailand. The health officials detained the wrongdoers and based on information given by them they carried out further investigation and they suspected that some people are still holding a lot more expired food items but in hidden places.
The Ministry of Health said it is taking a serious stance on this problem and so it is calling on members of the public to cooperate by to giving information on the sale of such goods during the coming New Year.