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Mon, 01/05/2009 - 14:29
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Vangvieng is hosting eco-tourism festival

Vangvieng is hosting eco-tourism festival

(KPL) The Lao National Tourism Administration (LNTA) is organising an eco-tourism fair to promote this niche market in the overall tourism business in Laos, an attempt by her to mobilise as many Laotians as it can to participate in it.
LNTA said on Friday that it is cooperating with five central provinces, Vientiane Capital, Vientiane, Bolikhamsay, Khammuan and Savannakhet to organise an eco-tourism festival in the Vangvieng district of Vientiane province from 26 January to 1 February 2009.
The main aim of the festival is to forge a linkage of the northern, central and southern provinces so as to get them deeply involved in the growing eco-tourism business in the country and also to be connected to the same business in the neighbouring countries, Thailand, Vietnam, China and Cambodia.