ID :
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 00:24
Auther :


Jakarta, Jan 7 (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) as of Wednesday opened a command post for Palestine at the MUI Building in Central Jakarta.

MUI chairman Ma'ruf Amin said at a press conference on MUI's stance towards Israeli aggression on Palestine that the post was set up upon the call of the people to coordinate sending of aid.

"The command post is the request of the people, so we just responded a request," he said.

He said, MUI, praised the government's stance and move to strongly condemn the Israeli atrocities and also praised its decision to conduct humanitarian mission such as sending medical supplies and paramedics to Palestine.

"MUI does not recommend sending fighters to Palestine but we fully supports moves to send medical volunteers because hundreds of Palestinians would need them," he said.

The coordinator of the MUI's Care for Palestine command post, Isa Anshary, meanwhile said anyone wishing to help Palestinians with medicines or food or clothes could give them through the MUI.

For cash assistance he said it could be transferred to Bank Muamalat Indonesia at an account number 301.0008710 under post coordinators Zainut Tauhid and Isa Anshary.

Ma'ruf earlier said other efforts people could do to respond to the Israeli attacks on Palestine were strongly reprimanding the US that had so far supported Israel.

"Boycotting US products is a strong lesson for the US for the double standrad it has been using over Israeli attacks on Palsetine," he said.

He admitted the call to boycott US products could possibly affect the people but it was made solely for the bigger purpose of giving a strong warning to the US.

He expressed regret that the US remained silent while hundreds of innocent Palestinians fell victims "while as Israel's leader what it said would certainly be followed by Israel. However it remained silent until now and therefore Israel's attacks continued."