ID :
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 00:31
Auther :


Surabaya, Indonesia, Jan 7 (ANTARA) - Anti-Israel demonstrators sealed the Beth Hashem synagogue in Surabaya, East Java, on Wednesday in protest against the atrocities committed by Israeli military on Palestinians.

The sealing of the synagogue was the follow-up of the demonstration held by activists of Islamic mass organizations in front of the Grahadi state building.

The action to seal the synagogue led by the general chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ulema of East Java, KH Abdusshomad Buchori, was initially marked by orations condemning Israeli attacks on Palestines in the Gaza Strip.

Earlier the demonstrators burned the Israeli flag and raised the Palestinian flag in front the synagogue that had seldom been used by the Jewish people in Surabaya.

"If Israel would not stop its attacks on Palestine we will conduct a sweep on sympathizers, supporters and Israeli agents in East Java," Abdusshomad said.

After making orations before the synagogue several demonstrators moved to Plaza Surabaya located several meters from the synagogue where they then conducted orations in front of the Mc Donald fastfood outlet asking Moslems to boycott all US products.

Leaders of Islamic mass organizations in East Java including the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, Fatayat, Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII), Ansor Youth Movement, multi-purpose Ansor brigade, and Al Irsyad in turn made speeches in front of the Grahadi building.

In the speeches they urged the Indonesian government as a member of the UN Security Council to stop the Israeli atrocity in Palestine and to facilitate the sending of fighters to Palestine.

They also called on Muslims in East Java to conduct spiritual actions such as praying and raising funds for the Palestinians.

Although it did not develop into anarchy the demonstration involving around 300 people was given extra police protection.