ID :
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 05:34
Auther :

Date set for trial of Israel-linked spy ring

SANA'A, Jan.07 (Saba) – The Specialized Penal Court is to start next
Saturday the trial of three members of a spy network accused of
working for the Israel's Mossad intelligence agency.

After investigations with the accused during which three of the
six-member network confessed to working for Israel through
communication with the office of Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and Mossad,
Prosecution handed over the case file to the court in prelude for

During investigations Basam al-Haidari, Emad al-Raimi and Ali Mahfal
said they told Israelis they were ready to transfer information
about Yemen, an offer which was welcomed by the Israeli side.

Israelis then told them they wanted them to conduct spy operations
at the regional level.

Three will go on trial, however, three other members of the
terrorist network, arrested in October, were set free for lack of

A security source earlier said the six-member ring was a jihadist
network and had threatened to attack foreign and Arab missions in
the country including the embassies of Saudi Arabia, Britain and the
United Arab Emirates.

During the raid on the network’s hideout, security forces found
items including a computer set, which revealed there was contact
between the network and an Israeli intelligence service.

During the correspondence, the network asked for help to carry out
terrorist activities inside Yemen, the security source said.