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Thu, 01/08/2009 - 05:36
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Pak claims its probe on Mumbai attack makes 'progress'

Rezaul H Laskar
Islamabad, Jan 7 (PTI) Pakistan Wednesday claimed that
its own probe into the Mumbai attacks had made "progress" and
it was prepared to uncover "full facts" about the terror
strikes even as it accused India of refusing to cooperate in
investigations into the "heinous crime".

Describing as "most unfortunate" Indian Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh's comments about the involvement of Pakistan's
official agencies in the 26/11 attacks, his Pakistani
counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani said Islamabad's own probe had
made progress and it was prepared to take forward the
information provided by New Delhi to uncover the "full facts."

"Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, instead of
reciprocating Pakistan's sincere sentiments to move forward
towards establishing good, cooperative and friendly relations,
has given a statement yesterday while addressing a meeting of
chief ministers raising serious allegations in connection with
the Mumbai attacks which is most unfortunate," Gilani said.

"Our own investigations into Mumbai have progressed. We
have received some information of an interim nature on Indian
investigations. We are prepared to take this process forward
with a view to uncovering full facts, thus ensuring that the
perpetrators of this heinous crime whosoever they may be are
brought to justice," he added.

Pakistan had "not only made constructive proposals for
mutual cooperation but also initiated actions and
investigations on its own" since November 26, when the attacks
began in India's financial hub, Gilani said in a statement
issued by the Prime Minister's media office.

"We are convinced that the only effective way of dealing
with the common challenge of terrorism is to develop robust
cooperation encompassing all relevant departments," Gilani

"India has not only refused to cooperate in the
investigations pertaining to Mumbai but has chosen to
undertake a media and diplomatic offensive against Pakistan.
It is clearly unhelpful to any serious and objective
investigations and amounts to unnecessarily whipping up
tensions in South Asia," he said.

Gilani expressed "Pakistan's earnest desire to work
towards building friendly and cooperative relations with

He said he had "great personal regard" for Prime Minister
Singh and was "hopeful that he will act with a great sense of
responsibility in the larger interest of peace, security and
prosperity of the peoples of South Asia".

Addressing a conference on internal security in New Delhi
yesterday, Singh had said the evidence gathered by
investigators showed that "some official agencies" of Pakistan
had backed the Mumbai attacks.

India has blamed the Lashker-e-Toiba terror group for
planning and executing the attacks that killed over 180

Pakistan, which has said it is examining information
provided by India in a dossier two days ago, wants the two
countries to carry out a joint probe into the incident.PTI