ID :
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 21:41
Auther :


Jakarta, Jan 8 (ANTARA) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will be given the title of "Patron of Anti-Drug Campaigns" by the non-governmntal organization National Anti-Drug Movement (Gannas), a spokesman for the NGO said.
The president would receive the title at a ceremony on February 28 in conjunction with the reissuance of an Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) edict against the production, use of and trading in narcotic drugs, Gannas chairman I Nyoman Adi Feri said here Thursday.
"The title is to be given to Yudhoyono for his dedication to and seriousness in combating narcotics in the country," Feri said.
In addition, he added, the president was also a top figure in Indonesia. "To combat the distribution of drugs, an influential leader is needed."
On another occasion, he also said Gannas had arranged a campaign aiming to free Indonesia from drugs in 2009.
Gannas at the event would ask all Muslims together with Islamic organization and the head of state to reissue the MUI ruling against narcotics.
It was also reported that the distribution of drugs in this country was till growing along with rising number of drug addicts among youngsters and children.
"Therefore, great attention and serious steps are badly needed to prevent and overcome the drug menace," he said.