ID :
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 21:44
Auther :


Surabaya, E Java, Jan 8 (ANTARA) - About 500 people coordinated by the Islamic Community Unity Forum (Forpui) held a Palestine solidarity rally outside the US consulate general on Jalan Dr Soetomo here Thursday.
The participants of the rally which started at 09.30 am consisted of members of various Muslim mass organizations such as the Islam Defenders' Front (FPI) and the United Madura People's Front (Formabes).
Zainal Ansori, the rally's coordinator, said the street action was staged to protest the slaughter of Muslins in the Gaza Strip by Israel's random bombings.
"These Israeli attacks have caused hundreds of casualties, including children among the Palestinian people," he said.
The Israeli actions amounted to large-scale human right violations and therefore the international community must punish Israel, he said.
The United Nations as a body representing all nations in the world must be more firm and resolute in formulating its stance on what is happening in the Gaza Strip, according Ansori.
Through the rally, Forpui was calling on all elements of the Indonesian public to give moral, financial and logstical support to the Palestinian people, and pray for them to ease their sufferings.
"We will also conduct a sweep on Israeli tourists in Indonesia and stage a larger rally if our calls are not met," he said.