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Mon, 01/19/2009 - 15:42
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Delegates of APPF pass 16 resolutions at end of five-day talk shop

Delegates of APPF pass 16 resolutions at end of five-day talk shop

(KPL) The delegates of the 17th Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) adopted 16 resolutions and they rated the global financial crisis topic as the most important issue for discussion during the five-day meeting.
President of Organising Committee of APPF, Xaysomphone Phomvihane said at the press conference last Thursday that the global financial crisis was considered a top issue and it was raised by delegates from Japan, Mexico and Russia.
During the plenary session on economic and trade issues, delegates called on member countries to continue to intensify the efforts by export credit agencies, international financial institutions (IFIs) and private banks to provide loans to businesses and to maintain trade and investment flowing in the region.
Delegates asserted that free market principles and open trade and investment regimes would continue to drive global growth, employment and poverty reduction. They expressed firm confidence that the high human and technological potential of Asia Pacific countries should get them to become the locomotive of sustainable world economic development in the future.
They called on member countries to continue to strengthen co-ordination and co-operation and take effective economic and financial measures in a comprehensive way to restore market confidence, stabilise global financial markets and promote global economic growth. The delegates confirmed that it is imperative to handle properly the balance between financial innovation and regulation.They called for member countries to consider how governments should be involved in markets, how they can best cooperate among themselves and how the International Monetary Fund and the other international financial institutions should be organised in the future.
Though 16 resolutions were adopted at this meeting but two resolutions were not adopted because the majority of delegates were opposed to it and these would be subjected to another vote at the next forum, which would be in Singapore, said Vice NA President Xaysomphone.
The other resolutions were the global financial crisis, politics and security, climate change and environment, social dimension and combating corruption, energy security, cluster munitions, terrorism, food security, denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, negotiation on Doha round, sustainable tourism, gender roles, raising the level of trade and capital flow within the Asia Pacific, the Middle East peace process, political security in Asia-Pacific region, natural disaster management and poverty reduction.