ID :
Thu, 09/22/2016 - 05:37
Auther :

Death Toll In Garut Flash Flood Rises To 23

BANDUNG, W Java, Sept 22 (Antara) - The death toll due to flash flood in Garut District, West Java rose to 23 with 12 missing on Wednesday night, police has said. "The 23 victims have been identified in Guntur Garut Army hospital until 08.00 p.m. local time," public relations officer of the West Java regional police Yusri Yunus said here on Wednesday night. Apart from the dead victims, four persons suffered serious injuries, and 27 slightly injured, Yunus stated. The flash flood caused by overflowing of Cimanuk River submerged the residential areas, caused people injured and washed away. The dead bodies are identified as follows. 1. Nawawi (65) 2. Iis (35) 3. Irsyad (8) 4. Ahmad (3,5 months) 5. Resal (4 months) 6. Deni (23) 7. Siti (38) 8. Santi (38) 9. Revina (7) 10. Nunung (75) 11. Sari (25) 12. Jana (35) 13. Aceng Taryana (50) 14. Welis (25) 15. Suryati (58) 16. Neng Fitriani (9) 17. Entin Kartini (62) 18. Diana (4) 19. Fika (4) 20. Mrs Oom (82) 21. Mrs Nonoh (59) 22. Child of about nine years old 23. Child of about four years old.