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Wed, 01/21/2009 - 15:09
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National Goal medal awarded to Lao People’s Army

National Goal medal awarded to Lao People’s Army

(KPL) Lieutenant General Choummaly Sayasone, Secretary General of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and President of the Lao PDR presented on 20 January a national goal medal, the highest medal of the Lao PDR, to the Lao People’s Army for its great contribution to the National revolution, defense and construction.
On this occasion, Lieutenant General Douangchay Phichit, LPRP CC Politburo member of the Party Central Committee and Minister of National Defense expressed thanks and gratitude to the Party and government for offering the highest medal of the nation to the Lao People’s Army.
He said that over the past 60 years of the growth and expansion of the Lao People’s Army under the leadership of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party is a history to test the long fighting of the Lao People’s Army (LPA) for national independence. The army joined with the people to gain victory over its enemies, enabling the Party and people to seize power from the old administration, abolish the monarchy and establish the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
He added that over 60 difficult years of implementing the two strategies tasks of national defense, and construction full of honourable sacrifices , enjoying the Party’s able and creative guidance, the LPA along with the entire people have fulfilled their historical obligations asked of them by the Party and the motherland. They have worthily written a new page of the nation’s history.

Pakse International Airport Improvement Project to be completed on October 2009

(KPL) The Pakse International Airport Improvement Project which expanded the runway to 2,400 meter long and 45 meter wide to receive the landing and taking off of the aircraft of Boeing 737 and Airbus A 320, is now 18.5 per cent completed and is expected to be finished at the end of October this year.
Mr. Anoulack Khithilath, Head of the project said recently that the project signed a construction contract with Italian-Thai construction company on 1 March, 2008 with the cost of 233,999,999 bath (Thai currency) has to expand the runway from 1,650 m long to 2,400 m long and 36 m wide to 45 m wide. The runway will be paved with asphaltic concrete.
The five storey building air control station is being constructed.

NA Vice President receives Australian Ambassador

(KPL) Dr. Saysomphone Phomvihane, Vice President of the National Assembly received at his office in Vientiane on 20 January a courtesy visit of new Australian Ambassador to Laos Michelle Forster.
Dr. Saysomphone expressed a warm welcome to the new ambassador as she takes up her post, saying he was convinced Ms. Michelle Forster would contribute to the development of relations between the two countries.
The host and the guest also discussed several issues, including co-operation in various domains, in order to firmly tighten the friendship between the two nations.
On this occasion, Ms. Michelle Forster thanked to NA Vice President for warm welcome and confirmed that she would do her utmost to further strengthen the traditional friendship relation and co-operation between Laos and Australia.

Govt makes efforts in addressing global crisis

(KPL) The government is making efforts in stimulating the national economic growth and address the impact from the world financial crisis, said Foreign Minister Thongloun Sisoulith.
The foreign minister said that some investment projects have been suspended, which resulted in the reduction of national revenues. While export and tourism have been declined due to the falling demand in the world markets. And these brought about the reduced employment of both domestic and foreign investors.
Dr. Thongloun Sisoulith chaired the brainstorming meeting on unemployment and social welfare of the lao people during the global financial crisis here on Monday.
The meeting has agreed to conduct a census on unemployment for planning short and long-term measures on dealing with the financial crisis impact, especially the legal improvement, vocational training for retrenched and unemployed workers, the promotion of agriculture production and the production of SMEs.
The census is also needed for various matters of valued added production, market access of the Lao products and market management, credit provision for domestic producers, taxation incentives and the close collaboration among relevant sectors of government and the private to deal with the financial crisis impact.
The meeting attracted ministers from different ministries, representatives from mass organizations, businesses and relevant sectors.
The meeting was held according to the prime ministerial agreement dated 31 December last year on cooperation between relevant sectors in dealing with the impact of the world financial crisis and the stimulus for the national economic growth.

More Thai baht for building third bridge

(KPL) Mr Saysana Phasavath, Managing Director of Third Lao-Thai Friendship Mekong River Bridge Construction Project said that the Thai government is funding its construction with 1.7 billion baht and on its completion it will provide a seamless road connection between Khammouane province of Laos and Nakhonphanom province of Thailand.
Lao and Thai officials believe this decision has generated confidence between the two governments as it was made against the backdrop of the Thai government’s temporary suspension of the commencement of the construction of the bridge due to the high price of construction materials prior to the onset of the global financial tsunami.
Initially, the Thai government wanted to start the construction in early 2008, immediately after the completion of the survey and design work on the bridge.
He said that an Italian-Thai company will be carrying out the construction work as it won the tender from 22 companies in July 2008.
Mr Nongsavanh Thammavong, Deputy Head of the Third Lao-Thai Friendship Mekong River Bridge Construction Project told KPL News yesterday that the new budget, an increase over the original allocation of 1. 4 billion baht should be sufficient to pay for all the expenses of the construction.
He also said construction work could not commence four months ago as none of the bidders had the courage to accept the offer as they feared the prospect of monetary loss.
On its completion this bridge can act as a linkage for the three neighbouring countries, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam and this will ultimately spill over into other related areas, a leading to more trade, investment and tourism for all three.

Launch of book on national war hero

(KPL) The Lao Front for National Construction launched a book on a national war hero, Tong Pao Thor Chaideth, who fought courageously in the battlefields in Xieng Khouang and Huaphanh in Vientiane on 16 January
This is one of the many activities that are being organized to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Lao People’s Army.
Mr Thong Yer Thor, a member of Party Central Committee and Vice President of Lao Front for National Construction and high-ranking officials were at this ceremony.
This book narrates the true story of Mr Tong Pao Thor who was involved in many battles with his comrades and who were victorious.
He was not only a front line fighter but he was actively involved in recruiting young people to join the revolution.

Saravane implements rural development projects

(KPL) The Poverty Reduction Fund of Saravane province held a bid envelope opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony on the six projects of the two districts, Ta Oy and Sa Mouay for 2008-2009.
Ta Oy district has four projects, construction of a gravity-fed-water system, the building of a community hall, the building of a primary school and rural upgrading work.
The two projects in Sa Mouay district are the construction of community hall and improvement work on the irrigation system.
The work on these projects will be carried out during the period January to May 2009.
For the years 2008-2009 the province will have 20 projects on poverty reduction and in December 2008 bid envelopes were opened for 14 projects.

Preparing on security measure before official opening Nongkhai-Thanaleng railway link

(KPL) Nongkhai-Thanaleng railway link is a good benefit for two people countries Thai and Lao, such as communication, economic, trading, which is generating income to countries.

Police Mayor Chodjin Kangkijkarn, Police Railway Station at Nongkhai said while he attended the testing track between Nongkhai-Thanaleng on Saturday.
The Nongkhai-Thanaleng railway link, before the official opening we have prepared a various measure security and protecting especially the illegal labour, goods illegal, and a transit route for drugs illegal.
Police Mayor said for the illegal labour we have measured protection, by coordination cooperation with Laos side, by the immigration system and by the system of police railway.
“When the passengers arrival at Nongkhai station, we will check their passport or border pass, if the illegal labour to service by train, they will be controlled and check their various documents, in this case I think is not problem” Police Mayor said.
Police Mayor continues that for the goods illegal throughout Nongkhai-Thanaleng, at present we have agreed between -©È¾­-¦÷콡¾¡º­ Áì½ ©È¾­ ª.´ , in various concerned sectors of two countries, and the ¡ö´-¦¿-¯½-¦¾-´ò© will responsible controlling on smuggle goods, and drugs, by cooperation with the police border, police water, including dog’s police, to smell drugs, and machine to check the drugs.
The drugs illegal, we have prepared the officials from of the Narcotics Suppression Bureau (NSB).