ID :
Fri, 01/23/2009 - 19:22
Auther :


SUBANG (Malaysia), Jan 23 (Bernama) -- The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) Friday received its first amphibious Bombardier CL415 aircraft from an aircraft maker at a simple but meaningful ceremony here today.

The aircraft was surrendered by Bombardier Inc Canada (specialised and
amphibious aircraft) president Michelle Bourgeois to MMEA director general Datuk
Mohd Amdan Kurish at the old Subang airport, witnessed by Deputy Prime Minister
Najib Tun Razak.

Malaysia's use of the amphibious aircraft would go down in history as
the first Southeast Asian country to use an amphibious aircraft for maritime

Malaysia signed a deal with Bombardier in mid-2008 to purchase two of its
CL415 amphibious aircraft, with the first aircraft delivered early this year,
while the second to be delivered by end 2009.

Najib, in a short speech at the handing over ceremony, said taking delivery
of aircraft marked a major development for MMEA in becoming a credible maritime
enforcement agency in the region.

"We have a vast coastline which has to be guarded and secured and this
aircraft will help us achieve that somewhat. We have also set aside allocation
to buy three medium sized helicopters and two of the amphibious aircraft. All
are now being built.

"With these, the MMEA would be world class. This amphibious aircraft is
unique because it can suck-in 4,000 litres of water in just 12 seconds. Apart
from maritime enforcement, it can also be used to put out forest fires or big
fires elsewhere," he added.

He said the usage of the aircraft would further boost the capability and
expertise of MMEA.

"We need to give a signal to all those out there who try to break our
maritime laws. Malaysia, being a large trading nation, needs to ensure that the
sea lanes are safe," Najib added.