ID :
Thu, 11/17/2016 - 08:52
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Kim Jong Un Inspects Fishery Stations of KPA

Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, inspected the May 27 Fishery Station and the January 8 Fishery Station run by the KPA which have made big fish hauls. He visited the May 27 Fishery Station. Saying that upon receiving a report that the fishery station was built on a modern basis and caught several thousand tons of sailfin sandfish in a recent few days, he came to the station before doing anything else, being eager to convey the news of big fish hauls to the people, the supreme leader noted with great satisfaction that he feasted his eyes on the picturesque fishery station and dwelling houses on his tour boat and a new fishing village has sprung up to be a spectacular scenery in the east coastal area. He went round the combined control room, cold-storage processing factory and cannery. Noting he is satisfied to see modern sharp-freezing and deep-freezing equipment with storing capacity of several thousand tons installed at the station and all processes, including washing, sorting, supply and auto-weighing of fish, pouring of water, quick freezing and thawing, put on a streamlined and unmanned basis, and specifically a robot smartly transferring frozen fish, he said that a sure guarantee has been laid to provide service personnel and civilians with fresh fish all the year round while saving manpower and preserving sanitation. Going round the hall of culture and a residential district of multi-storied flats to be used by fishermen, he highly appreciated that servicepersons had built them well as intended by the Party. He had a photo session with officials and employees of the May 27 Fishery Station. Then he toured the January 8 Fishery Station. He feels very good and relieved of his fatigue, seeing heaps of stored fish enough to be supplied until September of next year, he said with pride, adding that the establishment of the station has borne fruit. He gave a high appreciation of the station's officials and fishermen who fulfilled their fishing plan for this year ahead of schedule, noting that they have made much effort to fishing with his and their mind to supply fish to children and old persons at orphanages and almshouses every day. He had a photo session with officials and employees of the station. He set forth the important tasks facing the fishing sector. -0-