ID :
Tue, 02/03/2009 - 22:40
Auther :

Japan tight-lipped on missile report, hopes to keep N. Korea in check


TOKYO, Feb. 3 Kyodo -
Japan on Tuesday warned North Korea against any moves to use missiles, with the
Foreign Ministry spokesman describing the missile issue as a ''serious
problem'' for world peace but declining to confirm or deny reports of
Pyongyang's preparations for a missile launch.
The North Korean missile issue ''is a serious problem not only for Japan's
national security but also world peace and stability, as well as from the
viewpoint of nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction,'' Press Secretary
Kazuo Kodama said while withholding all comment on intelligence and other
Earlier on Tuesday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura told a separate news
conference, ''I will refrain from commenting as it will involve intelligence,
but the government will continue to work on information gathering with great
Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone, who also declined to comment on
the reported preparations, told reporters, ''In the event that danger (of a
launch) is imminent, of course we will have to respond appropriately.''
Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada stopped short of commenting on details and
only said his ministry routinely collects information on North Korean ballistic
missile developments.
North Korea appears to be preparing for the launch of an intercontinental
ballistic missile at a facility in its northwestern region, diplomatic sources
said Tuesday.
Japan, South Korea and other countries concerned have received U.S.
surveillance satellite images for analysis, they said.
2009-02-03 22:11:59