ID :
Thu, 02/05/2009 - 20:21
Auther :

Japan relays concern about 'Buy American' provision to U.S.+

WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 Kyodo -
Japanese Ambassador to the United States Ichiro Fujisaki on Wednesday sent a
letter to the U.S. administration and congressional leaders, relaying Tokyo's
concern about a protectionist ''Buy American'' provision in the economic
stimulus bill, a Japanese official said.
Fujisaki pointed out in the letter that the United States, as the world's
largest economy, is in a position to fight protectionism. The letter also
warned that if a bill containing the provision is approved by Congress, it
could call into question U.S. standing in the international community.
The ''Buy American'' provision in the nearly $900 billion bill being
deliberated in the Senate would limit using any of the stimulus fund to buy
steel, iron or other manufactured goods for infrastructure projects to those
made in the United States.
The $819 billion stimulus measure that passed the House of Representatives last
week is less stringent than its Senate counterpart, although it requires the
use of American-made iron and steel for infrastructure projects.
On Tuesday, President Barack Obama was concerned that the provision could
trigger a trade war. But lawmakers from steel-producing states say the
provision must remain in the stimulus bill.
2009-02-05 20:26:02